Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Day 17 - Response

Once again, we have an anonymous commentor. I hate it when people do that. Can't you at least give a first name? Even a fake one? Anyway,

"question, why no girls for a year? and i think you take life too seriously. or maybe i don't take life seriously enough? but i seriously don't think you should ban girls for a year. i don't think you should just jump on the first girl who walks by, but who knows, you might meet someone great and it would be really sad if you don't even give her a chance because you're playing this game with yourself."

Response: I am going cold turkey on women for a year to learn how to appreciate them, the basic spiel is held in the "Day 1" post on May 25th, 2007. I don't want the stress, I want their friendship. And, if I meet someone great, they'll be great enough to understand my commitment to this and I really think that any sort of relationship I have with that great girl would be solidified by this year of not fooling around and let emotions get in the way. Have a real connection, y'know?

Finally, I don't think this is a game I'm playing with myself. Solitaire's a game I play with myself. I'm doing this to peel away the seriousness. This is my attempt at meaning nothing, because dating makes every gesture, every swing and sway of the eyes and hair, mean something, insinuate something, cause worry. I don't want to worry about that for a year, I just want to be friends. It's too much to worry about what she's trying to tell me. Now I don't have to. And if she's so great, she'll be around on May 25th, 2008 to take me in her arms, becoming a lesson in patience for her. Maybe that's what God would need for her, if I am to meet someone great through these next few months. Who da hell knoes, thoughs?

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