Sunday, June 03, 2007

Day 8 - Already?

It's getting tough, and we're only 8 days in. I sat next to a friend in my Poli-Sci class, and kept getting these, like, "Flirt with me," vibes from her, and I had to resist, what with this admitted year-off under progress. Talk about self control. Same with a girl who works at Petsmart. Of all places. She's nice too, probably'd make a nice friend. You know how it is: Building nothing, right? Let things have no meaning and drift into esthetics instead of esoteric divinity. It's okay, it really is, I think. I'm working on not trying to mean something all the time. It starts with these girls and ends with the fact that everything seemed to have to imply something, or be meaningful for it to be worthwhile when, in reality, it's not the case. And I think that me trying to write what's happening in my life has become me trying to find meaning enough in everything. Believing this insanity? I sure am.

Aside: I was talking to a friend about how Coldplay is just ripping off Radiohead's The Bends and Pablo Honey. And so another friend put it on to see what I was talking about. And the first friend stated, "God, can you put something on that doesn't sound it's from Garden State?" Funny thing is that Radiohead isn't on the Garden State soundtrack while Coldplay is. So there was the implicit admittance of their connection. Whoa. I didn't say anything, though, because it's a little undercurrented, I guess. Just funny how things work out that way, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

question, why no girls for a year? and i think you take life too seriously. or maybe i don't take life seriously enough? but i seriously don't think you should ban girls for a year. i don't think you should just jump on the first girl who walks by, but who knows, you might meet someone great and it would be really sad if you don't even give her a chance because you're playing this game with yourself.