Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 34 - Failures

Well, it could be worse, right?

Where are you Jannet Rodriguez? You never called me. I just wanted to be friends.

I've gotten all seven of my submissions back. And seven rejection letters. Even the Pacific Review, the CSUSB publication, rejected my submission. Wonderful, isn't it.

At least I haven't failed a class yet.

I have failed real bad at dating, and I may (probably) even fail at this whole "taking a year off" thing once I see any sort of success in the dating realm. I don't know. I just want one thing I can be proud of. And I'm trying to make it happen. Great things don't come from sitting on your butt, I know. I'm working on it. I know I'm not supposed to swear. I'm trying to become a leader.

I think the light out beyond that's cresting will be one thing worth holding. I will have success. One day.

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