Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hold your grandmother's bible to your chest

I think she fell asleep.

There's truth, there's life. I am yours for the taking and all that.

I feel very disillusioned right now towards being poetic or being staunch or being, well, stylistic. It is what it is.

Nothing to be done.

It is for certain.

I might believe in reincarnation if we're to believe that everyone has their chance to see God. It'd give much more weight to the whole idea of teaching us as humans lessons because, to me, it seems like for God to teach us lessons would be like us teaching roaches how to type. There's really no point to it, it's fascinating, but where does it go? Nowhere. We just die.

But if we came back around, had a second chance and effectively doubled our impact... That may make more sense.

Then, of course, is the most obvious problem: biblical evidence.

I love you, good morning.

Stay safe, be sound.

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