Monday, October 01, 2007

It's a birthday party!

I just completed the greatest weekend so far in my short and ill-remembered life. JP, Jasmine, Bradley and I hung out on Friday night, going to a hookah bar for no reason save to have somewhere to sit and talk for a few hours. Sitting there, sometimes smoking, and talking about Devendra Banhart and movies and music and how much the three boys hate Joy Division and JP's blossoming college experience, I was entranced with complete peace. I was completely at peace. This is a feeling that is rare within me because, as JP describes it, I am convinced that everything will turn out okay but, since it's not okay right now, I'm generally very negative involvling the temporal. So for me to be without negativity was something I wasn't expecting for awhile.

But it happened again the next night. We all went to Jasmine's house and then to a park where we sat around and talked about nothing for three hours. I just--it was the best weekend ever. It was reassuring and it was fun and it was interesting and it was loud and it was funny. I had a great weekend and I hope you all feel the same.

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