Friday, August 31, 2007

Bed time. Craziness. NyQuil. I think in terms of divinity. I am divine, you are divine, you are beautiful, you are my love, I am your keeper.

All at once, I amazed with myself. I put so much weight on finding love, and yet I'm such a cynic concerning it at the same time. Love is just a chance meeting of two people who are ultra-compatible. That's pessimistic, but I think it's true. I put so much weight on this chance meeting and yet I can't make the chance happen. Strange how paradoxical I can be at times. Or hypocritical. But I really think that hypocrisy is a natural progression of thought most of the time. Telling someone not to do something then realizing it's not all that bad. It's natural. Life ebbs and flows and a person's views and actions are more than likely going to do the same. Y'dig?

"Why don't you write a song about this? You can call it, 'I got punched in the face for sticking my nose in other people's business."

"Sounds like a country song."

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