Monday, August 27, 2007

I am late for the sky.

run with me and chase the leaves--This was once spoken of a great altered composer to be once for all time I know your name, come away come away to be waltzed around in circled triplets until we are dizzy and drunk and beaten stolid red stoic crimson stalwart hues of one only color to show new wounds within our toes. What we create is what we've never meant to be but at the same all we've ever wanted to die to love to scream to be eaten by the vultures above our rotting corpse now rooted in the place we died where we will meander if purgatory or ghosts allow us to believe in them... I am driftwood and come along the journey of what we once were i know we once worked in tandem before there was a burst a stress a panic a mood that fell apart i know we were once a one and not a two connected by sinews and ventricles, arteries the great highway across the soul like a concrete gash crossing the gap to be my own way to be away from myself for once wish to tear apart my insides and be left bereft with only one seamless personality and no mood swings the guillotine (was anyone around to remember that phrase? Maybe I can start reusing shitty one-liners from three years ago when you wasn't famous) I am away around away away away below the water up above the trees fucking in the canopies around the sinews shaking my head as to how I got so caught in this batshit ideal of why I once was nothing but here today am something more than most but yet less than all as if the world revolves around myself or at least I think it should even in my own lackluster coherence. Tell the world of what you are because there will be days when they won't know will want to know and you won't secede your answers villains in shame of all the wrongs you've committed against those rhythms that turned our toes red all those long days ago on the gravelly beaches we once knew where the rocks were soft and the waters were calm and we could call each other by pounding rocks against our heads to bleed as a signal up in smoke. I know your name, you across the gap--it's not my own yet it is my own because you are my own. A simple belief and that's something I know for sure but amidst this the waking fey, I can only sense the things that make things skip jump granulate the finality of what was could be i know you want to be with me but there's the greatest soul divide between us that i've created but i know it will one day be repaired....... one day i will be whole.

We just have to wait a little bit longer, I think.

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