Thursday, December 21, 2006

All, All we'll ever have.

It is.

My problem with Mormonism does not stem from their beliefs, their stigma, their theosophy, no. What it stems from is the fact that they believe "The same priesthood authority that existed in the original Church established by Jesus Christ exists in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today." (Divine Priesthood Authority) What Church did Christ set up? Wasn't it Peter who was the first Pope? All Jesus did was teach and lead, not organize. He organized no one, they followed him of their own will. The church was setup by the Apostles.

The more I read about the religion, the more it disgusts me. I don't understand--their beliefs are, at their core, the same, and yet it all has a false sense about it. But then doesn't every church?

Maybe it's that it has no true history, that it's a new religion. Most religions have a culture. And the culture of Mormonism seems to be, despite their President's open statement otherwise, of the white upper-middle to upper-class American. They are anti-gay marriage and think that it is simply an inclination that can be fought against. And we thusly disagree about that. But, hell, this is some of the smartest thinking about marriage I've heard:

"The Apostle Paul taught that “neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 11:11).

In marriage, as before God, men and women are equally important.

Marriage gives neither partner the right to dominate or abuse the other. Rather, husband and wife should help each other as equal partners." (link)

They believe in a Purpose Driven Life like Rick Warren, but they're more bureaucratic and step-driven about it. Repentance, Forgiveness, Priesthood, Saving Yourself all have steps to do.

There seems to be no room for individuality in the church, despite my meeting completely different mormons. They have rules for everything, like their own Torah. They have brought back the legalism of the Sadducees, it seems. Maybe they will bring about the second coming because God's so pissed off about the fact that they're doing exactly what he preached against.

Loving one another, Faith in Christ as your Lord and Savior, and Self Sacrifice. Everything else will come thusly. That's what I believe. Those are my believes. Sit on it.

Oh, and I also believe that Capitalism is organized crime. But that's another topic.

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