Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Is it immature to fuss about the immature? What is immature? People have made a lot of money off of immature things, you know (cf. Jackass and the entire MTV generation).

And what if sin is relative? As in, what is sin to me is not to you. Ignoring the obvious agreeables like murder and theft, etc., where does the line get drawn? Is there a line? Or are the minor sins and minor issues always to be debated? That seems more like it. The ambiguous is always what gets argued most. That's why baseball is popular. It's ambiguous--no time and enough flexibility to have a game go for as long as 5 hours and as short as 1 hour.

I just realized I've been wearin two different types of socks all day.

"Do you still want to hang out today?" I asked

"No, Evan, it's too late." she replied

"I will find out, one day."

Go see INLAND EMPIRE. It's not about the Inland Empire.


Currently, I think what's the biggest thing on my list is to "get the fuck outta Dodge." Usually it's find love and all that metaphysical bullshit, but, really, what do I have here in Rancho Cucamonga? My social network was slashed and thus collapsed after graduation, and the one part is moving away, so fuck you, I'm moving away too.

There is nothing for me here.
I will find out one day.

We are truly blind to what our conscience doesn't want to see.

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