Friday, December 29, 2006

We'll call it Christmas when the adverts start

Does the world actually exist? What actually exist? What is it existence?

If Paul calls us to not be of the world, what does that mean? It has often been interpreted to mean the things that go against our beliefs, and, yes, that does make sense. But what of our beliefs but love and faith in Christ as God? Is the world, then, simply the things that are not in love and contradict our faith in Christ as God? Is then premarital sex of this world? It's an act done in love, surely, but, at the same time it sometimes drafts consequences of regret. And regret leads to despondent acts.

And if the world is only the cause of a chain of events, what do we make of the paternal acts? What of the creation? Even that was a chain of events for God to say, "It is done, I can rest. My God was that a long six days." That first day. Our first day, our first act.

Then is the only thing of this world our final breath and our final repercussion for all things are linked? Then is being not of this world simply being?

But, oh, how it deepens, when you consider that we start dying the moment we are born.

What is it to be of the world? What is the world? Do either exist? Are we as Christians focusing too much on our physical actions, those that are often called worldly, when it's really the ontological actions, our acts that effect our state of being?

Oh how shallow Christianity is!

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