Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Water runs from the snow.

Fear of nihilism and cynicism and disenfranchisement in a city of franchises.

I am going to be visiting Humboldt University this next week, hopefully. I am thinking of transferring there, all 760 miles north of it.

I want to be transformed. I want to free my mind. I want to laugh. I want to experience the Redwood Coast.

I want metaphysical enlightenment. And I can't achieve that here. I want to experience, I want to live.

And I can't achieve that here where opportunities to be the over-man (cf. Thus Spoke Zarathustra) are far too prominent. Not to say you're dumb, but I always feel apopletic, bursting onto others. I've taught you all I know, and I must move on. See? Nihilism.

Although, I probably will be back to live in SoCal again because I plan on going to Fuller Seminary in Pasadena for my Masters or Doctorate in Theology.

With JP moving, my whole social network moves north. And what do I have for me here if all I was staying around for was friends? Most damn near abandoned me, became their own over-man. Yea, well, fuck you. I'm leaving.


Go see David Lynch's INLAND EMPIRE. It's not about what you think it is.

"A Woman in Trouble."

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