Friday, December 15, 2006

The LandLord's daughter

I think the problem with my social awkwardness, and oft disdain, lies within the esoteric. Not so much things that are esoteric, but things within common things that are esoteric. Like, "I'm gonna kill you, mothafucka!" which I said to my dad tonight. That's from a Dr. Dre song. But who would honestly know that? Or "That's just how it goes I guess," how would anyone know that that's from a mewithoutyou video on YouTube from Cornerstone 2006? "You shot Marvin in the face!?" is another good example (Pulp Fiction). Or, during Apocalypto (absolute shit. Don't see it.), I shouted, "BEES!" during a scene where the pursuers get attacked by bees. Funny out of context, sure. But funnier in the context of my dad's story about a co-worker shouting it in a high-pitched voice over the radio on the train.

I try not to worry about what others think of me, but when all I have to call on a Thursday afternoon is a friend, an ex-girlfriend, and someone who I really doubt wants to hang out with me, as apologetic as she is and can be, I begin to wonder if I should care so that I have some sort of network to get me off my ass.

I've had a very existential week. nothing to be done, nothing to do but wait for 3 o'clock Friday when I work. Godot is coming, and I will probably get called off. "Godot will not be able to come today, but if you come back tomorrow..." I've gotten really depressed and have begun to sleep a lot. It's the closest to time-travel that I can get. It's the nicest thing. It's the hardest way to make an easy living. See? There's another one. That's the title of the Streets' ablum, "The Hardest Way to make an easy living."

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