Saturday, December 02, 2006


Christians caught up in their own ontological and theosophical nihilism. We've all seen it. They're the ones with the stories about accidental swear words. And me in the backseat can only say, "I have no story for my disposition is to swear like a sailor." They're the ones holed up in a niche of--more like a small crack--of culture that is poorly written and poorly composed. All the Christian music I hear, save a few exceptions, and all Christian literature I've read, save very few exceptions, has been shit. There's no way around that word. "Crap" is too white-washed and euphemistically silly. "Crud" is all the worse. "Poop?" "Terrible?" No. I want a word that is associated with that which comes out of my anus. Shit shit shit. Now, admittedly, I hate 90-97% of all existence anyway, so maybe my stance has no validity. But the fact that they're willing to sacrifice something's validity because it's "vulgar?"! Oh dear sweet Christ how shelled you are. What is life without vulgarity? What is honesty and integrity with that veil protecting you from things people should be honest about.

They are caught up in a naive being. Maybe they don't prioritize or necessitate seeing or knowing what 90-97% of this world consists of. Maybe they don't see the need to know their fellow brethren?

That's naive, pious, shit. Shit I will not stand for.

I can't tell my Christian friends that I masturbate, I can't tell them about my struggles. Because it's taboo and it's "icky." Icky? Are you fucking children? Or just... fucking children. It's frustrating that I can't be honest around Christians, because my life is icky.

But show me someone more devout than I am? Consider everything I've been through, all the things that should have caused me to fall away and onto that broad path. Come back and tell me that I am no Christian because I swear. Come back and tell me I am no Christian because I am constantly attempting to humble myself in the face of honesty, integrity, and, often, embarassment.

Be not afraid for the World is yours, oh Children of God!

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