Tuesday, December 05, 2006

So, nobody purchased The Fall issue of We are all Serial Killers. So what am I doing? I'm making a 2nd volume, goddammit. And I'll tell you why. because I might make this one at Kinko's. And it'll be cheaper that way, I think. Hopefully, we'll see.

And it'll be a lot more magazine-esque. I'm willing to take SERIOUS submissions--art scans in B&W (B&W printing is way cheaper), B&W photography, essays.

And it can be of anything, you know me. Open to anything. Except pornographic. If there's nudity, at least make it classy. :)

That is that. Follow the link to Volume one to see what's in it, and buy it for God's sake. It's only 45 cents for the PDF. And having a Lulu account doesn't hurt anyone. Make your own books.

Buy Volume 1 and get excited for Volume 2.

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