Saturday, December 16, 2006

Lapping Currents

I am a hypocrite. I suffer from the nihilism I preach against. This has reared its ugly head, and now I feel like I'm in need of some sort of cleansing.

I do think I am better than you, a lot of the time, because I've come to these "great revelations." But in all reality, it's just a bunch of bullshit. And who am I to judge?


JP's going to San Luis Obisbo. I am happy for him and sad for myself. I am such shit at meeting new people too, at getting some sort of sweeping confidence. I guess that's what defeat does to you. And I'm shy and paranoid.

And love. Love will ultimately be your defeat as well as mine. Probably mine first since I'm so insanely in love with the idea of being in love. How gay is that.

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