Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I let the Beast in too Soon

I received this comment from Anonymous. Don't be anonymous anymore, it pisses me off. I digress. Anyway, This is it, regarding my previous post:

"...but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what it evil." Rom. 16:8

I like to think that anything that is NOT of God is of the world. It doesn't always have to be a complicated thing to interpret.

"For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin." Rom. 6:6

so, since we have his blood, we aren't slaves to sin anymore, and so shouldnt let it be a part of us. I love this verse. Pull it apart and really think about it! It's magnificent!"

What is not of God, if he created everything--from the land to the sea to the birds to the people? Sure, the body of sin has been done away with, but what about our intrinsic desires and our intrinsic soul? Isn't that the most inherently evil thing known? All those animal urges are considered evil, and they are the foundation of which we are built. If, then, those instincts are of this world and are inherently evil, then does make a creature of pure instinct, like a dog, completely evil and thus to be destroyed?

Even language, all language is from God--it is the one thing that discerns us from the animals.

I do not conform to our government completely because I believe it is evil, yet necessary. I do not conform to our corporations because I believe they are worldly and greedy and the most innately evil thing we know of. But, once again, how do we escape these things except for being Amish? Except by becoming a recluse in a forest, writing our manifestos like the UniBomber? Everything is evil, it seems, and the only thing that seperates us from this world is our faith. Our faith is not of this world. That's the one thing that is completely detached. The metaphysical, that which does not take up matter. Those are the things that are not of this world. The rest falls beneath. Faith, love, liberty, the metaphysical.

Then, then, we could go to the extreme and say that, "Since we, according to Romans 6, are dead to sin, we can no longer sin, and thus everything we do is sacrosanct." But that's just bullshit. Maybe.

I can agree with this person, but it just brings up more questions. That's all.

And, again, I have to ask the question of: Why is cursing and swearing considered evil? That's one thing that I just don't get. So I ask again.

Two other things:

Romans 16:8 is actually, "Greet Ampliatus, whom I love in the Lord." Not quite the same effect. I think he\she meant 16:18, but, even then, I have a different translation, including 17 "I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people." The Naive people can be deceived. There's a difference between innocence and naivete. I am innocent because I am a virgin and "straight-edge." I am not naive because I know the inner workings of this good earth.


Danielle Cobb sent me a message and told me to stop being so negative. So here it is: Ten Nice Things about Life

1) Music
a) Fiona Apple, Joanna Newsom, mewithoutYou, Devendra Banhart, the Decemberists (O Valencia!)
2) Film
b) Directors: David Lynch, Quentin Tarantino, Darren Aronofsky; Actors: Elijah Wood, Shia Labeouf; Actresses: Naomi Watts, Laura Dern, Isabella Rossallinni.
3) The Philanthropic.
c)That Guy who invented the segue, specifically. He's fricken amazing.
4) Laughter.
d) needs no explanation. Smiling is excellent. I love to smile, I love to laugh. Especially at my own or others' expenses.
e) True love.
6) Philosophy
f) Existentialism and Nihilism and Objectivism and Christianity and Catholicism and my own.
g) To know God is to know life.
h) the greatest friends you will ever have or will not have. I have two sisters and parents. They love me. And support me.
i) They often offer the greatness of the previous 8.
10) Socialism
h) It's the knowledge that there is something better. Hilary 2008. Or Obama. :)

One love.

Life is beautiful, but I often see the bleakness because that's what I've been taught by my parents. To never take anything at face value. To think critically about everything. And, although that has bogged me down in some areas, I believe it is the best thing they could've taught me. I have a job, I have my friends, I have my doubts! Amontillado!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Poo!

In response to your question about cussing (since you and I have a history with it...), I think it is less of a moral issue and more of a social one. It's pretty difficult to determine what constitutes "a sin" really (apart from anything directly from the Ten Commandments, etc.), so let me give you some other reasons besides "it's wrong," since wrong is hard to define.

1. Curtesy-Some people just really don't like being around cussing. It makes them feel uncomfortable. Like me. Now, Seeing as you have not been one to particularly mold your life based on the whims of others, you are allowed to completely discount this point.

2. Obedience-Maybe your parents never told you not to cuss, but mine did.

3. Testimony-We are the first- and sometimes only- example of Christ that people see. What is to make them curious about our relationship with God if all they see is our negativity towards the world? They are supposed to notice a difference between us and themselves. Faith isn't always visible right away. I think one of the best ways for people to see what Christ's love is like is to see us handling anger and sorrow as He would- in a way totally different from the rest of the world.

That's just the way I think about it, and why I don't cuss. I've given up judging people, since High School is over and done with, so I'm not arguing with you, just giving you my thoughts. Pettiness isn't very becomming I've noticed.

Miss you, and p.s. I was anonymous. Didn't mean to piss you off. I just didn't know you could have a name.