Friday, December 01, 2006

Something to Chew on

So Buddhism and a few a others believe in reincarnation and enlightenment, right? The whole idea of cyclical thought, where everything comes back around until your soul is finally enlightened.

Christianity, however, believes in the one-life-to-live, get rich or die tryin', straight and narrow path of life. Hm.

I state this because I had to write a paper on self-realization and how enlightenment cuts that cycle short, like a slingshot, catapulting you into heaven. A cycle cut open is a straight and narrow line. See what I'm getting at?

Maybe Christianity is the enlightenment all Buddhists are seeking: that path straight to heaven, that one life, not restarting, and being on a one way to Heaven. The only rebirth a Christian ever faces is when he turns around and says, "I and the Father are one," and accepts Christ into their heart. That's all the rebirth we need. That's it. And then we have cut short the cycle--say, we didn't hit the home run, but we got the hit, the double, the triple--and are catapulted at our eternal father in love, faith, and humility.

Christianity is enlightenment for all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're awesome, young Pugh.