Saturday, October 08, 2005

AcaDeca Speech 2005

In 2001, a movie was released entitled High Fidelity, based upon the book of the same title by Nick Hornby. One of the first lines in the movie is a monologue with the watcher that goes as such, “What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?” Now, at first glance, this may seem like an asinine assumption and argumentative questions may arise like “Why pop music? Why not the inhibitions and chauvinism of gangsta rap?” But, once you begin to dwell on what most pop music is about—break ups, let-downs, beat-downs, masochistic and sadistic pleasures not even sexual—you begin to realize that this may be a good assumption and a concern.

The enigmatic “they” worry about everything from To Kill a Mockingbird to Scarface, censoring and neutering all thoughts and ideas that are too graphic in any nature for someone to see. But in the music industry, a Parental Advisory is adhered to the label only if the lyrics are rife with swearing and sexuality. But what about pain and heartache and sadness? There is no warning against this, even now when the emo-genre has become another sub-culture of teenagers and 20-somethings steeped in pseudo-depression. Why? Because pop music so outright miserable. Because songs like “Dammit” by Blink 182 are what launch a career. Because wearing your heart on your sleeve is so cool.

But, let’s look at the other side of this for a moment. Let’s say you’re in a band that’s in the undercurrent of bands ripe for picking to be put in the heavy-rotation basket at MTV. During this period, you’re writing songs with hooks and melodies and things that are down-right catchy, happy-go-lucky and beautiful as if life is a bed of roses. Then, during the recording of the new EP, the love of your life, your high school sweetheart who you envisioned putting a ring on her finger, breaks up with you. Better yet, she’s been cheating on you. Do you then continue on this quest of writing songs that are about the whimsical fairy tale that isn’t life? Or do youu. Do you then continue on this quest of writing songs that are about the whimsical fairy tale that isn’t life? Or do you turn to real life experience and write emotional songs that are heart-felt and thus more inspired and tighter? I would most definitely wallow in the misery and milk it until I am in heavy rotation on MTV.

An example of a band that took the aforementioned route but, with their latest album, changed their course, is Green Day. Before American Idiot they were a generic pop-punk band writing about life and break-ups. But, suddenly, they’re politically active with a mascara flare. And we teenagers are eating it up, even though they aren’t complaining or whining. Has this shown something to the media, to the producers? Perhaps it has shown them that lyrics aren’t directly related to fame and that a catchy melody is good. Or it’s shown that being all about a relationship isn’t the only thing that’ll make money.

The music industry, however, is not the only portion of entertainment that deals and revels in misery. Books like Great Gatsby are a consortium of lost hope and death and emotion. The difference between books and music, though, is that books have multiple levels whereas most pop music, except for the few political bands left, has a single level based in a life that really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Books, whether canonized or not, often have social issues that are being dealt with, making the plot and the misery merely secondary to the issue being addressed.

The author Charles Bukowski is an alcoholic, lonely, and tired in most of his stories and poems. When you read them, you can’t help from feel bad for him but, at the same time, his stories are amusing because of the contention he has with his state in life. On the flipside, a popular band called My Chemical Romance is “Not Okay,” as one of their songs is titled, with their situation and they can do nothing but wear makeup and push people around in their music video.

Therefore, the answer to the question “Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?” is simple: I’m miserable because I listen to pop music based on the evidence that I’ve been listening to it since Kindergarten and now I can’t do anything but write poetry when I’m sad or depressed. At least I don’t cut my arms as recommended by some bands.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Billy club for the bobby pin riot. Pretentious, long-time coming, the pin was let down, releasing the grenade of a fervent and western Pandora's box.

Like a war without soldiers--take up thy Puritanism and walk through the amoral Underground where in crates and bags and boxes and carts wtihout numbers or names or tags or identity the gold truly lives--the Uncle-Sam-Untouched lives.

With a mind without reason we are the Brute of Titus Andronicus. Listen to me, O Unshaven daughters of the nether, take thy pins and ide upon the mane of needles.

Oh please believe in me!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


I started writing pseudo-poetry in June. It actually has lines and stanzas and ish like that. I moved away from this type around August. But, hey, let's post a few.

I feel not alone
but almost.

It's alone
in the slaughterhouses
that I
as the
is played.

You said this
was a
however you have
consumed my part
in a way
I dare not explain.

"Come quick, the eunuch is dying!"

It was

of tempo.

Wind the victrola
my darling.
I declare
a national

There's more where that came from, eventually... they're all that bad.

Monday, September 12, 2005

In Thy Sarcophagi

It could go on, this Casper, if I don't exorcise the demon.

Mildly afraid and violently cautious, the virulent hive lives, knowing his poison is not strong at all because of the slit-throat mastecation.

It could carry on for days! they said.

It could carry on for an epoch! I thought.

You don't want this! They said.

Nay, I need this! I thought.

The scuff-mark guillotine tore on like a vulture for demons, raping the lark of its song, taming the hatred like a blackbird's whip. Time went on but the thought slowed so that time could catch up, only to stop for a moment before perpetuating the improper and vile fragment of the hedonist.

How Come? Why Come?

They all could do nothing except ask nothing, dlved too deep in their own desire, their own ego.

But their id was not. Not what, goddammit?

Like lines of powder for the guns, the amphetamine derivative drove the atheistic insane, drove them toward religion. So quick, so quick, the neologist works.

Your cobblestone bullshit is no match for the vintage universal I have spun like Charlotte's nasty web that snitched and snitched and snitched and told and told and told and told and taddled and told and snitched. It's all fucking lies, Dear Charlotte!

But, no, the idea still rests in the sand of thought as time stopped to allow the mind to think.

The war like wonder is bread for mediocrity, a Fox for the lackluster, a ball-and-chain bitch for the swollen words of flattened minds, knee-deep in the depth of a dismal attitude.

This is real! and no one is afraid.

This is told! and no one is afraid

This is! and no one is afraid.

And no one is afraid. and no one is afraid. and no one is afraid.

And no one is afraid.

And only I am afraid of the scuff-mark, the width of patronage and height of lineage.

And why aren't you, my daughters, my lovers, my sinners?

Coltrane's alto strongarm should have been a warning...

Dylan's keyless croon should have been a warning.

But the mentality of the cloaked or crucified is to not believe in Lazarus and his flight from spectrum with a god of man of god at his helm, at his hull, at his throat, at his feet, in his hands, in my thoughts, in my toes, in my face and nose and mouth.

But you merely pretend to notice that anything moves, that life is a changing myraid, a lost yellow in a sea of green and blue.

As his guts spilled out upon the inverse-ocean's floor, the sand kept it as its own, clinging to the moisture, more thirsty than the coward. Some were afraid, but they were all dead, and now there was one with a problem: his entrails had burst forth with fury from his belly as if they had to say something...

What are you saying? I cried.


What are you? I cried.


Will I ever? I cried.


And so he picked up and gathered the red and the church organs and trotted on, hearing the bell toll in the distance.

Clamped in the warning tone, the fire hit the water when the building collapsed.

And collapse, it did, O Father.

The non-fake neo-speak of the menial convention faced the kite so idyllic and free like the lap-dance luncheon served by a horse of needles in the banquet hall of the agnostic anti-thought as the puss granules fought against something archaic. C'est la Vie, my dear brethren.

Life is hot and cold and front and rear and near and far and aft and political and starboard and true and questionable and graphic and sadistic and masochistic and musical and quiet and meaningful and pointless and left and right and up and down.

The lexicon of the putrid fight drove on for miles, it fought against turning its back and walking on water and knowing truth. Knowing indecision is not to know at all like eyes that open and close only to remain bloodshot and obviously ontent unlike the analogous and sterile animal.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Tortura o furio?

During the summer, I watched a movie entitled "Invisible Children" which is about Ugandan kids who flee to Sudan at night to escape the rebel army. The reason they're fleeing from the rebel army is because this particular militia enslaves young children, kidnapping them and showing them violence to scare them into staying.

The whole "take them in early and brainwash, brainwash, brainwash," made me think of the Christian, Catholic, muslim, Mormon, Church in general and how they handle sunday school. Is it brainwashing with felt boards instead of guns? Or is it something different? I came back from this camp and looked around, they were doing the same thing, showing information in a gripping way with semi-scary stories to keep kids coming back.

However, there is a difference that I overlooked: choice. In these rebel armies, you are kidnapped and forced but in religion, you have a choice to leave though it may feel like you are kidnapped and forced by your parents to go sometimes. How could I have overlooked that? Because few people ever leave their roots, and look past their choice to turn against Allah or Joseph Smith or Christ.

Happy September 11th.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Oh father, I'm tired
of sorrow
of pity.
Oh father, I'm tired
of pre-conceived-notion-bullshit
of lies.
Oh G-d, I'm tired
of being afraid
of learning nothing.
Oh G-d, I'm tired
of being lonely
of feeling everything.

Oh Father make me afraid of what I've become!

Monday, September 05, 2005


The doctor told me that I had 48 hours to live. He said about, "Level four blahblahblah," sounding like a Peanuts adult, speaking through a trumpet mute. All I knew was that I was I left the hospital without a medicine for melancholy--no solace, no comfort, no closeness, nowhere to rest my tired, feverish, dying head; all I had now was 47 hours and eight minutes. Thursday morning: 8 AM: Death comes like food stamps: in need and almost on time. I knew there were amends to make before I exploded--before I lay before the guillotine of cancer. I got in my car kn0owing today was not going to be a good day.

I also realized that I could murder and rape and pillage, get caught, and die before trial or sentencing... But where's the fun in that?

For now, amends. windwindwind the phonograph until the vinyl is flat... I must die a victrola.

It was ten in the morning. My first stop was my work where I sat in one of many cubicles in the rat maze where everyone vied for the same tampered piece of electric cheese. I had some last words to say to my boss. Some fury--nay, a big fucking bone to pick with her.

I rode the elevator to the upper-crust-eighth-floor and there I walked, paced, jogged, trotted towards her door at the end. I turned to her door and promptly opened it without knocking, without formality.

She was sitting at her desk in front of her window that convered most of the wall overlooking 17th street. She looked up and said, "Ever hear if knocking? It's been said it's a way of letting people know an asshole is on its way in."

I walked forward into the room, straight faced but wanting to laugh at the retort. I put my hand on a chair in front of me where some would get executed, persecuted, interrogated, and said, "I have about 46 hours to live."

I picked up the chair and flung it at the window behind her. It shattered into a thousandmillion pieces that rained down upon passersby so small. She was awestruck, bewildered, bitter, angry, confused, wondering, questioning, utterly emotionless. "Now go fuck off."

I took a running leap at her desk. I jumped over her and out the window, chasing the chair to the white concrete so red... so dark...

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Chased Mind--A Life Unknown.


Ugly and vile
and insignificant.
The simple minded
Cup of ugar
let flow
40,000 granules
of lackluster hope.

Some wish they could fly.
Some long to push people,
push air,
push paper.

I, however, long for empire--
a longing esoteric and
is it?

Suppose all this is real,
it still isn't it.
Dance and sing
and live
for breath is fleeting--
for life
is fleeting.

I've stuck to my guns,
tasted life,
O how there's so much more...


O Lord, let the blood flow for redemption because the time is nigh.
So you can say anything but it cannot stop the empire within for I will merely scream,
"If not for the father than what?"
I've fought, I've fled, I've known life and it has known me.


Though my ancestry
hasn't risen from the grave of opression or
of confederate racism, I know what family is.

Though I cannot see,
for I am blind,
I have felt the hand of the Risen Lord and known the might of his blood.

With my father,
I am alone but not lonely,
a protected commissioner.
With my Lord,
I am purely untouchable.

But the Emperor still wears no clothes...

Saturday, September 03, 2005


What is hate? Color vs. color? Skin vs. skin? White vs. black vs. mexican vs. asian? I just finished watching American History X and it changed my perspective on the whole matter of racism and hatred towards those that are unlike you. We can laugh all we want because Jim Crow is funny, because repression happens every day, but the reality is this: Jim Crow is and repression is. Is it really that hard? Is the tension really that deep?

To me, the whole idea of racial inequality is merely a group of elitists from any race that want to keep the others from feeling this elitism and pride. The Civil War, for example. In the South, a war was fought for the upper-crust-aristocracy-slavetrade. The ones that went to war were the younger people, the people who were too poor to have slaves and, yes, when drastic came to drastic, even the slave owners. But the only ones that felt and knew the reason for war were the slave owners. They understood that they were fighting to not destroy the society that they had created. And, suddenly, their world fell apart.

Hatred is a stupid thing. "Life's too short to be pissed off," is one of Edward Furlong's (Danny) closing lines. It's too true, those words. The fact that people can spend one-third of their time and the others hating others and waiting for their chances exploit their hate is pathetic while the exploited create an identity for themselves in America. Who, culturally, is the most prominent in Southern California? Los immigrantes.Why? Because they were preoccupied with creating a name for themself. That was until they started to fight with the blacks over who the better minority was.

I don't understand it all, but I want to. Why do we hate? Why do we want the tension? Is it because we want to be remembered? Dr. King created tension via non-violent means and, shazam! forty years later, we're still celebrating his doings. Malcolm X tried, in the beginning, to use the i'm-gonna-get-you-if-you-don't-give-me tactics but was coming more towards Dr. King's policy before both were assassinated in the late 60's.

Brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, mothers, husbands, fathers, wives, I plead and beg with you that we must get along, that we must turn the other cheek, that we must believe in an idea of one and an idea of equality or else our world with go to hell, our world will become what it wants to be: an animal rage embellished by our so-called intelligence.


It's this we've done with our imagi-
It's that we've done with the sole thought of condem-
But, nay, my friends,
we've done nothing for this our
You call nationalism,
any more than a fad?
Can you call the faux
our ass-backwards flag in the hands of ass-backwards people,
anything but bullshit?
Oh how YHWH sighs upon this our imagi-

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Mother Nature: Terrorista.

Devastation. Death toll in the thousands. National Tragedy. What is President Bush to do? Last time you heard words like that the terrorists had brought down a skyscraper and we immediately went to war. Now, Hurricane Katrina has caused the same type of devastation, if not worse, and we cannot go to war with mother nature. What is President Bush to do? Americans are banding together and donating money to ease the everything-loss in the south, but how are we to get those people out of the superdome? Isn't it far too easy for one person to just let off shots and genocide to ensue? These people can't go anywhere, and when the evacuee busses arrive, people are fleeing to them as if it's The Day After Tomorrow. It's as if the third-world-reversion in New Orleans has no way of changing. They say it could take years to rebuild and months to drain the water out of the areas, but what then? Do people return to houses where there's nothing but soggy carpet and leaking insulation? It's beyond my grasp to think how we are going to fix what happened in a few short hours.

Mother Nature. Aint she a bitch?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Small Stones of the Lexicon

Some say the word "nigga" is blasphemous. How? Why? Isn't the connotation different than the actual word "nigger?" Tell me, if "nigga" was not part of the upper echelon of friendly lexicon, how can black people can get away with calling everyone it? The house of lexicon that I am a part of believes that to satirize a word is to cauterize it, thus making it another word and words are mere. So my niggas, I tell you this: nigga is a brother and a brother is a friend of mine.

To call someone a "nigger," however, is completely different. Amazing how the change of the ending can bring about two different meanings. But is this so different? In Greek there are four different words for love, and in spanish, there are constant irregularities that cause changed definition. Thus, only "nigger" is offensive, whereas "nigga" is not.

Sin boldly, O brothers, for in sin is the basis of change and acceptance. Society, more oft than not, is wrong.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Mastercard, Postcard

So I went to the mall today to do some school shopping and, well, yea. Fashion today is quite out of hand. Quasi-funny shirts that insinuate playful infidelity mixed with silk screened advertisements. Today's fashion seems to have all the qualities of an over priced thrift store. They destroy the print to make it look vintage despite the fact that the paint on the shirt feels new... I suppose that's why I ended up getting next to nothing at the only two stores that seem to at least try and adhere from that look: Gap and Old Navy. Yea, sure, they have the same old ish but, at the same time, they have their usual campy slash preppy stuff which I love. I just might have to stick to Ross. Damn right.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Laments, Regrets, and Rock & Roll

Ok. Take a look at the shirt below....

Notice something? The back states that "You can't be Catholic and Pro-Abortion." Does this not advertise, in blatant words, a God of exclusivity? How can a God of exclusivity be when God created choice? The act of abortion itself IS a choice and, lemme just reiterate, God created choice. Now, let's say a lady gets an abortion because she was raped and doesn't want the baby because it'd just be a regret and a burden since she's, oh, fourteen. Adoption wouldn't work in this situation because the kid would be wondering who his real parents were and, when he finds them, will be filled with regret that they were a mistake. Life made, life lost.

But, also, here's a thought: the abortion was forced by a boyfriend, a loved one, or by herself. And after the abortion, her guilt drives her to find something more than life: God. Perhaps God can USE abortion to bring people to him. What a novel concept! C'mon, if God can use the negative life of being a pothead, crackhead, cokehead, methhead, speed freak, porn star, rapist, liar, cheater, stealer, murderer, tax collector, fisherman, pervert, or crucified in this world, then perhaps, just perhaps, he can use an ABORTION to draw people towards him? Wouldn't that be a shocking testimony to the Conservative crowd? Wouldn't it be total Jesus Propaganda just waiting to be eaten up?

Therefore, you can't be Catholic and be pro-abortion, sure because Catholicism is just a name. But you can be God's chosen child and the apple of his eye if you're pro-abortion.

Life of regret or Life in Christ?

Monday, August 22, 2005

People Don't Save Their Tenderest Hearts for Assholes like You.

Words are easier than action, yet a thousand million words cannot define an apolgy or a kiss. Words are wrong and empty, corrupted by our memory and cozxed by our heart. A love letter can affirm yet three words spoken can comfim.

But, O daughters of Jerusalem, Words are easier...

Is it thus that I chose to write and not to act? It is thus, O brothers.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A farewell to...

the armament of the broken heart. The alms of a sordid culture. You liar. You cheater. Words can only do so much justice, yes. Oh, God, yes. You can tell me all you want but, truly, I know that, someday, the way life is led will be obsolete. Don't trust the fervor, trust the mentor.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Who is John Galt?

Your mind is your greatest tool. Use it and don't let anyone control it or use it.

Independent reality is a capitalist's dream. You control your reality. You control your freedom. If you let the collectivists get you then you've lost, my friends.

Monday, August 15, 2005

I wear my motharussian glasses at night.

So, uh. Yea. I didn't accomplish much today, band camp.

Corey Hart ownz you.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I'm too lazy to do this sometimes... most of the time... I hope things will change.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Favorite Lyrics Game

Here are some of my favorite lyrics from songs:

If you fail to see a problem,
(which I find hard to believe)
Or if you're hanging on form branches licking
honey from the leaves you say
"the hopelessness of living, the childishness
of suicide!"
But there's a call to love my brother that can
never be destroyed however much you talk.
However much you talk you make a certain

It's still only stupid talk.
However much I strut around.
However loud I sing the shining one inside me
won't say anything.

Oh to want one thing!
Purity of the heart is to want one thing.

You'll remind me that I said you were a quiet
bed in all my noise to rest.

Well I was charming you at best.
And you remember, dear, when I said
"My coming here was like a terrible fall!"
As we crept like thieves along your bedroom

I'd come down and touch your eyelids, but if
you stay up too late I'll throw you back into
the cupboard with the chipped and dirty plates
like the carnival game with the bottleneck and
rubber ring.

Even if you win, even then you don't win.
All I want is to want one thing.
-MewithoutYou - Leaf

[dr. dre]
Wait! what if there's an explanation for this shit?
(what? she tripped? fell? landed on his dick?!)
Alright shady, maybe he's right grady
But think about the baby before you get all crazy
Eminem\Dre - Guilty Conscience

Like hell, we are anxiously waiting
Like hell burning silently strong
Somehow we fell down by the wayside
And somehow this hell is home
The Alkaline Trio - Burn

14 hours ahead - a head that's heavier than lead
And i've got toothpicks in my eyes, a smile more yellow than the sky
I've got a song stuck in my head, one that i miss more than my bed
It's a song sung from a fallen milkman who's drinking bleach instead
I'm much like him.
The Alkaline Trio- Keep 'em Coming

My name is Jonas.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Well, this is interesting...

I was gonna publish a reflection about this past week at Ponderosa camp at Hume Lake, but then I got this comment:

Anonymous said...

The meaning of "judge not" in that verse is that we are not to condemn a person or put ourselves in the position of knowing everything about the state of their soul.

In defense of the Pharisees (as idiotic as it is to defend them), their problem with Jesus was how He put Himself up on the same level as God (forgiving sin, "I and the Father are One," etc.), I don't think they really had a problem with His "love, freedom and equality" speeches. Unless if they complained it was wrong to teach those things WITHOUT the law. But the whole "There is only One God" idea was what kept the Jews from accepting Jesus.

I definitely agree people "must address all the issues." But I think that is all the more reason to deal with the issue of skankiness. It seems to me like that is the issue more people are having a hard time grasping. And, ..although I'm now aware this comment is making me out to be pretty lame and rude.., if we all "look past how one wants to make money," wouldn't we end up ignoring problems/sins/issues like embezzlement, theft, prostitution, drugs, murder, etc?

If you're going to criticize something I write, don't be a wussy and be anonymous. C'mon, you had some good points playing the devil's advocate, but, really, it's all bunk when you're anonymous like that because I have no reason to respond to something written by somebody with no guts at all. Yeesh, guys, grow up and get some balls. I did. Sure, Ms. Simpson makes money via softcore prostitution of her body, but does that really matter? I mean, the police probably closes the case on 4 in ten murders on the account of dead-end evidence. Same with drug runners. Only some are caught, and the ones at my high school have yet to ever. C'mon, we ignore enough bad in this world already, even without the Christian Right having to run off and scream harlot. In reflection, so what if she wants to be a porn star with clothes on.

"C'mon boots."

Sunday, July 31, 2005

1 Published Tangent Way

Often, I find myself writing about truth when I have nothing to write about, and the pursuit of this altruistic fate. Y'see, truth is a sticky thing, really, because it can bleed into lies, and it can scar... Sure that's being a bit corny but, really, truth inside of a person is a person. Perhaps there is no altruism... Perhaps there is no absolute truth. For example, you can have two people that are split on the idea of murder. One can think it is right, and the other thinks it is wrong. Well, if the man that thinks murder is right kills the other, does he not ultimately win? Isn't that just formative micro-evolution. Change is eventual and perhaps we need a little murder or mishap to shake things up.

Especially in the Christian Right. I was watching the VH1 show Best Week Ever today and they had a segment that said that the Christian Right had deemed Jessica Simpson a slut. They actually called her a slut. Doesn't that go back on the whole, "don't judge me the bible says not to" idea? One guy made this point: they found it objectionable that she was washing a car in a bikini, something a lot of high schools use as a ploy to get people to pay five dollars to get their car badly washed, and yet they made no objection to the Confederate flag on the front of the car. Let me remind you of something, the Confederate flag has not come to symbolize "heritage" but rather racism. Sure, all sins are equal, but, honestly, in the eyes of society, which is worse: a skank or a racist? My point exactly.

Jesus was a liberal since, according to the dictionary, a liberal is merely a person who seeks to change the way things are done whereas a conservative is kind of like an old person: set in their ways and not wanting change. Pharisees, I hear you. Things had been working until this Nazarene came along on a donkey. He was like, "Equality and freedom and love one another!" and the pharisees were basically, equivocably, "Hell No! Get off my turf!" Because, admit it, the Pharisees had something working, but it just wasn't the right thing to do.

Sound familiar? Pilgrims. The Mother Land had the right idea, wrong concept. They wanted Equality and freedom and to love another, unless they were an indian (they'll get theirs). This country was founded on equality and slavery, misogyny and freedom. See how this ties to the Christian Right? No?

They contradict themselves. Two issues were apparent: the confederate flag and Jessica Simpson being a Paris Hilton no-talent-ripoff. So, we brush past the other one (slavery; misogyny) and totally make a big deal outta the other (freedom; equality). Truly, the Christian Right is embedded in the American way.

Let's change this ladies and gentlemen. Let this be a lesson to ye. To be equal, we must address all the issues and look past how one wants to make money. Frankly (and not because I'm a teenaged boy), I don't care what Jessica Simpson wears. She can wear nothing or winter snow clothes for her next video. I don't care. What there shouldn't be is a Confederate flag grazing my television even if it grazing her chest like a bearskin rug.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


I just watched the documentary Snowball that was about the making of the movie Clerks. The first draft of that script was finished January 8th, 1992. The movie was made a year later. A year after that, it was picked up by Miramax. All the while, the first screening of the movie flopped, and it wasn't picked up by Miramax until its last showing at Sundance.

The moral? I'm stickin' to Gershwin in Full and making that my baby from now until that biatch gets picked up.

Jesus loves you.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Sony Ericcson blows

My phone went retarded tonight. I'm mad and angry.

Band this year'll be cool... I hope...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Hi. I'm tired.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Boarding School Rhetoric


I wrote this story...

Streetcorner Omnipresence

Street Corner Omnipresence

I sat beneath the shadow of the street sign, the sign that cried "Fourth Street intersects Sunrise Boulevard Here" in green and white. The street corner was a busy one, and I could not walk any farther. I had made a phone call to someone to give me a ride the rest of the way. My legs were weak from walking the 1800 miles between my heart and my soul and my spirit. I was weak on this street corner.

I sat against the sign pole, brown and copper and gold with rust, and it swayed under my weight. The pole was not the most comfortable thing I had ever sat on, but I figured I would not be here for long. The corner is engulfed with shadows at this time of morning, the shadows of houses across and high rises across from the houses. The shadow of the high rise was growing on me as I sat there. The street corner was contradicting like the mind, and yet, seemingly hollow like the world. The houses were dilapidated and the high rises were mere shadows of what they once were... Time worked incognito and these buildings were evidence.

From one of the houses emerged a young Latina woman, with a baby in one arm, and a suitcase in the other, bursting at the seams. She was halfway down the walkway to my corner when her husband or boyfriend, brother or father, stopped her. "Stupid girl! Get back inside, you're my wife," Question answered, wife, "and I know damned well you're not going anywhere but back into the house!" He was wearing a white shirt and tan shorts with no shoes on. He was about six feet tall, not a very impending figure. She was about four and half feet tall, but from my perspective she looked about four and a half feet shorter than his ego and eccentricities.

"Jamie, this is no way to raise our child. You don't understand me, and you probably won't understand our child when he's old enough to question where the hell you've been." She replied, the solace and the apologies passed and past away deep within her tone.

"Well, when the bastard does ask where his father is, tell him that you took him away from me! That's right! I blame this all on you." He stormed back in the house.

She, alone, looked for a ride. None. She merely walked north on fourth street, away from me. The wind carried her cries, and her apologies for the coarse language to her baby. Inside the house, the sounds of things breaking was evident. The sounds of broken hearts were all around this street corner, be it in the offices and apartments above me on the southwest and southeast corners of the street or in the houses across the way. No one was happy, and the buildings frowned in time and tempo with the situation. The whole street, I speculated, was a living, breathing metaphor for contrition. Society apologizing for what the proletariat has to go through, the world apologizing that it can not be the Utopia ever desired.

I turned around fully, slowly. This corner was odder than I had realized. I have yet to see one car, and one can usually say that that is not the best thing. I looked east, down Sunrise. The road was haunted by the horizon at the end of it. The road knew that it goes on, but the horizon does not, cutting it short. The road was in slight disrepair with the yellow lines cracking and chipping as if someone was chiseling away the barrier between east and west, as if someone wanted east and west to meet at some point. I looked the other way, west, and it was the same story. The horizon being the blatant murderer of sight and sound, touch and smell, east and west. I thus looked up into the colored sky, blue with wisps of clouds from the western films. I was supposed to be riding into the sunset, the sky told me, but where is your golden horse? I looked up and east to look at the buildings, the buildings were the pessimistic reply to the sky. The buildings were saying that the ride would never come and that I was destined to degradation. I guess that is not so bad.

Suddenly there was a crash, a raging and storming subdivision of the road as four cars came towards the intersection, none with any sign of stopping. They collided before they collided, as if the drivers knew what was to become and gave up on their lost hope of survival beyond the fittest. They collided with great force, crumbling under weight inertia tic. I stood, stunned by what I had just seen. I watched as four bodies flew from four flaming wrecks to collide again. I saw within them as their souls collided. They were merely mannequins now, their life sucked out of them, their soul only remaining to finish the scene presently unfolding. The bodies hugged each other grotesquely, accidentally. The bodies fell flat onto the shards of metal. The smell of rotting flesh blew in the air, blowing up my nostrils as I inhaled. I had to get away, but I could not.

Knowing I could do nothing, I sat down again, resting my tense back against the rust again. As I watched, I saw time speed up in the road, as the fire lapped for air faster and faster, as the bodies became ashier ashier, as the cars further became modern art rather than getaway vehicles. The world around was still slow as I moved my hand towards my face to wipe away my hair that had maliciously blocked my view, trying to tell me not to watch what is happening. The cars were melting into puddles on the ground and as they melted, the time slowed gracefully, like an aircraft touching down from an extensive mission to explore the unending, returning from a mission to heaven; unending, unquestioning.

The street corner was silent again, no tumbleweed to embellish in the cliché of the empty midway when the villain is in the road and everyone is inside, nothing to let me know that I am still alive. So, I sat and moved my hands... Moved my hands across my body, against the abrasive service of the cracked gray concrete, up the pole above my head. My feet shook and I stood up. I knew if I turn, I would see the houses against the empty backdrop of a ghost town. I knew if I turned I would see the office building that so haunts my dreams as their shadows grow on me during the hours, offering me shade from the lying sun. I knew that I was the villain in this western film out of context. These people were sane enough to stay indoors, away from me. They saw beyond the facade and into my soul. They saw how cracked it was, but what they did not see was the journey I was taking to amend these cracks with abrasive adhesives called apologies and how I was on this long journey to merely repair my apathy, my soul's atrophy. This is why I reticently lived my life and crawled myself into an apathetic hole.

A man was walking down the sidewalk opposite me. He caught glance of me, saw the look of maliciousness and malcontent for this deep corner of the psyche, looked across the street, as if signaling cars to stop, even though there were none. I could see that he was homeless, with his oversized, and overstuffed with alcohol, sweatshirt. He had a bag in his hand, presumably more alcohol, and he was bounding across the street like some sort of rabid animal. His beard was matted, but it was thin and gray enough to sway in the wind as an oil rag would.

He came bounding towards me, the scent of something unknown, but ubiquitous about him, was evident. He stopped, saw me, I slouched against the pole in fear, and sat down again.

He leaned down, that odd scent evident again. He bent down and said, "Can you see?"

I looked at him, glassy eyed and innocent, as if my eyes could plea to him silently for him not to hurt me.

"Son, I can see in your eyes that you... You're not like everyone else..." The pungent drunkard hit that one on the nose. People called me the iconoclast. They called me the breaker of molds. They called me names for it, too. It was not all praise. But, the atrophic apathy led me to another end of the spectrum of mood colors.

"Dammit, boy, I'm talking to you!" And suddenly, I realized it. This man was not paying attention to what he was saying. He was afraid of me. I noticed that he was shaking as he stood back up. This man was merely egocentric and eccentric. He needed to feel a lift from response, and when I refused response to him, he became afraid, depressed, fearful, closed, paranoid, reticent. He became like me for a split second. He saw what brought me down, saw what became of me being brought down, and stopped.

"Well, now... This all your damned fault." He bounded off in a flash... Gaudily, in reflection, he wore his brown and tattered sweatshirt; he wore his torn and stained navy blue sweatpants with pride. The pride of an unknown kind, the pride that only the failed have. The pride is all that was left of this man, and it showed. There was an acceptance meeting in the center of his forehead. Beneath the stress lines of his forehead, the vein had protruded as his mind stressed working to not show his true self. His cheeks twitched as his anger heated like coals.

I heard behind me footsteps. I slithered around the pole, too weak from realization to get up to turn around and face it. The man was coming back from the murderous horizon. He was running now, not bounding. He was running full speed. Like a freight train uncontrolled and its only load being a few 40 ouncers.

He stopped in front of my sprawled out body, I looked up at him questioning. He raised the hand without the bottle into the air, balled into a tight fist, as tight as his meager hands could manage, and he brought it down upon my shoulder with all the force of a drunken sledge hammer. I whimpered as the bone shattered. I cowered as his hand released his grip on the bottle to grip air in a fist. He brought his sledge hammers down all over my body, bruising me, shattering me, nearly killing me. I grabbed his bottle with my one good arm, and drank whatever was contained within the bottle. It tasted sweetly bitter, sourly ugly. I felt the pain no more, and his blows were merely that, blows. He realized this, looked at my bruised face. Tears welled in his eyes... I could see this man was stalked and haunted by something so much more than fear, depression and paranoia. He was haunted and stalked by the tears not cried at funerals, the words unsaid. He was stalked and haunted by all he never did. He was haunted and stalked into submission. He knew this, as did I. He did not want to know this, however, and that showed as well.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." He repeated this many times, and soon, his tears moved from saliva to dry sobs and then to blood. I had nothing to give him to wipe the blood away as I lay on the ground in a floating, out of body state. I merely watched as the blood ran down and contrasted the browns and blues and rips and tears of his clothing. He was on his knees now, looking up. I watched as he fell backwards, onto his back against the cold, hard concrete. He curled into the fetal position, the blood pooling around him... He died in that instant, as the buildings frowned and sighed.

With all this death within the past two hours, I would have to speculate that the Latina woman who emerged so long ago is dead as well. Unknown about her baby, however. He may just carry on some legacy that the family may have. The Latina lady, though, walked off, in reflection, with no spot in society for her, a single mother. There was no spot or time for a single mother like her, even if she had four jobs trying to raise her child to the best of her ability. Her footsteps echoed against the concrete, they echoed these feelings. She walked with an air of apology. She was society's variola, growing larger and larger, until it bursts at the seams and action will have to be taken or infection will ensue.

The car wreck. It was merely a four way collision and death, its way of telling me that directions, like personas, should never meet. There are some people that will never mix, and those people are named North and East, East and South, South and West... The people within the cars had no families; those people were merely uninhabitable stray animals searching for the piece of meat on the hunt for companionship. Somehow, there was a sexist aura around them, but I could not care very much about sexism, as per the fact it is transcendent and is part of history's taciturn paradigm, as with racism. Racism merely shifts, like the bodies, from color to color.

Suddenly, people began to emerge, bustling, from the office buildings. And, like ants, they filed into a line, down the road... I half expected someone celestial to drop a leaf to see what would happen if they lost their way, if their sound and light was so interrupted by something so vile as a leaf in the road. They all wore gray business suits, of polyester and wool. Their hair was all part to the right, border lining a comb over. They all were one portion of one person, one part of this society, one part, like a limb, doing the job. They all had their fortes, and their vocation was based off of this knowledge. As they walked, there seemed to be two lines that suddenly emerged, as people walked next to, caught up with, and began to speak to the person ahead of them. Their vernacular was colloquial, as if they had nothing to talk about except the days work, their vocation. These people had no friends, since they were all nourished to do one job and had no idea what the other person's job did or meant.

The stream stopped, and the last person swung out from the rotary door. This last person was an anomaly, shorter than the rest, his suit and tie a lighter gray. He was Napoleon and they were the world. He was to conquer them one day. He walked up and past me, the air carried him well, I thought, as if to give him another inch onto his height. He swung around fast to meet my eyes staring at him. He moved like a dancer. Walking in step and time. He looked at me, the grease in his hair glinting in the sun.

"Hey kid, this will all be mine someday. Mark my words." And he walked off, into the street, without signaling cars as the homeless egocentric had. Suddenly, a car came up fast, a car unseen by Napoleon dynamite. The car was speeding, like a bullet train, towards fate. The car hit young napoleon with the force of a jackhammer, as the parts of his body contorted and the hood, the windshield, and roof of the car in rapid succession. The car stopped, the body laying on the front of the car, the blood that was bent on world domination bleeding through the cracks in the windshield. His words I will mark on his grave, I thought.

The driver in the car got out, he was wearing a wife beater and a "Member's Only" jacket. He had an angered look on his face. "Ah hell no! Dammit!" He studied the body for a few seconds, and grasped it at the point where it was the least bloody. He took the body and carried it to my side of the sidewalk, where I was laying down.

He turned and looked at me, dazed, confused, possibly stoned, possibly freaked. He looked at me with eyes full of fear and worry. He was nervous about what he had done. He looked at me, still lying on the ground, and said, "This? This cadaver? Goes no where but where ever rotting flesh goes. Which, I suppose is into the mouths of vultures. If anyone finds out, I did this? You're so dead, my friend, you are so damned dead." He walked back to his car, reached in and got some paper towels from the backseat, and began wiping off the backseat. He finished that which he was doing. It seemed odd, though, that he was doing this from the inside, since the blood was leaking through the cracks in the windshield of his fiery red hatchback. He looked at me, realized what I was just considering, and got into his car, and turned on the windshield wipers. The blood was drying though, so it was as if there was red fog, a fog acidic, on his windshield. He drove off, fearfully.

I rolled over and looked north on 4th street and began to think, where did everyone go? Why did everyone go? What was all of this? I got up, and squinted down the road. I then turned to look west on Sunrise, and the road swayed, the heat of the afternoon radiating off the cracked east and west barriers. I decided that ride would never come and that I was to walk.

I got up, and crossed fourth, being sure to signal for cars even though I saw one. I saw what had happened to young Napoleon, so I figured, better safe than sorry. I began to walk, my bare feet hitting the ground and vibrating my body with every step, my shoulders rising and falling with each step. I walked, tired and slouched. I did not want any more of Sunrise and 4th street. It was all too much for my tired head to even want to consider.

I reached the horizon, the horizon murderous. I looked back and I could no longer see the pale buildings and the poor housing. I could see the horizon now. It was a sad, sad, day, I thought, for I have been murdered by the horizon, told what I can and can not see. The horizon is truly the omniscient and ubiquitous murderer and inspirer, calling people, like a siren, to come to it, but right in front of the horizon are sharp rocks or...

I had veered into westbound traffic on Sunrise, and a car hit me, and I began to bleed from my bruises aforementioned. My friend emerged from the car.

He looked at me with all the horror of someone who had just killed their best friend. "Shit, I had just dodged someone back there, he was lanky and out of it... And now you... I'm sorry my friend... But I guess this is goodbye..." He pushed me off the hood of his car, and let me bleed to death on the side of the road. He got back in his car, turned around, and drove off. I knew he was not going to get help, I knew there was no help to cleanse these bleeding wounds, these broken hearts...

I began to realize, that, beyond the silver dreams of electric sheep, and beyond the dreams of those eccentric, there in lies the ego. The place in which I lie, selfishly caring about myself, my broken and mangled self. I lay there, engulfed in pure feelings of lustful hatred, a want to be back on the street corner. But, I suppose that this is the only way my ride would have ever come.

And I thus completed my journey through the final gate...

Monday, July 25, 2005

Preoccupied with my sixth sense

I've been preoccupied with myspace and lack of effort and Gershwin in Full. Sorry. i'll try harder... though no one reads this mofo. Yesyesyes.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Holy Crap!!!

The first draft of my script, tentatively titled Gershwin on Full, is completed. It's the story of a guy named Tom Little who moves to the San Fernando Valley to live with his dying best friend. I don't wanna give it all away, so sue me.


I have a Napoleon Complex. I'm going to rule the mothaf**kin' world.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Violence never solved anything. World War led to World War. Words, however, changed ideology, epistemology, and life itself. Jesus was never violent; nary did he strike a person. Though Jesus did get angry. In the temple he threw over tables and told everyone to get out. He did not strike a single person, but his actions showed exactly what he was trying to convey. Actions speak. Words speak. Violence does not.

Neo-aggressivism is of this idea.

Violence traps and violence weakens. Words and actions are the antithesis of this. Your actions speak louder than your words and, sometimes, your silence speaks the loudest of them all. For silence breeds tension and tension causes breaking and breaking causes change in pitch or thought. Tension is key for it allows the person to be under pressure. A person is only their true self in two situations: when no one is looking and when they are pressurized by the world around them. The goal of a neo-aggressivist is to stand against the tension of the Earth, causing it to break at their own accord.

A neo-aggressivist fights not with fist or foot lest they are punch air or stomping the soil. We fight with questions that need answers, actions of kindness to prove the stereotype wrong.


This idea of neo-aggressivism is new to me. It intrigues me and it makes sense, at least to myself, to have this ideology. I feel this is how Jesus called us to be--not a passivistic pushover but rather aggressive in our faith and forceful in our actions without harm to another. More will come as this idea fleshes itself out in my mind.


Give all your love to the risen Lord for He is the reason for this and that and those and these.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Territorial Marxist

OK! Recap... I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Yea. Weird. But, overall, a good movie that wasn't too slowly paced and wasn't as weird as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. That one was a 70's acid trip. I recommend you see it. Now.

I went to a Rancho Cucamonga Quakes game last night... They're a farm team for the Angels... The OC Angels. Muahaha. That was fun because the people in the luxury boxes were giving their food to us. Peanuts and Hot Dogs: Oh My!!

PS: You're all beautiful.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


I keep meaning to post, but, uh, I have nothing to post about... Keep checking back and, when something happens, a massive post will happen.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

One Great CD

Track list for the mix CD entitled Absolutes that I just made:

  1. Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
  2. The Strokes - 12:51
  3. The Chemical Brothers - The Golden Path
  4. Outkast - B.O.B.
  5. Billy Idol - White Wedding
  6. Blondie - Atomic
  7. The Beatles - Ob-la-di ob-la-da
  8. Flock of Seagulls - I ran (so far away)
  9. Dre ft. Tupac - California Lovin'
  10. Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart
  11. Styx - Mr. Roboto
  12. Kim Wilde - Kids in America
  13. The Cure - Boys don't Cry
  14. Weezer - Buddy Holly
  15. Nena - 99 Luftballoons
  16. The Foo Fighters - Everlong
  17. Orgy - Blue Monday
  18. Cindi Lauper - Girls just Wanna have Fun
  19. Dead or Alive - You Spin me Right Round
  20. Berlin - The Metro
Lots of 80's, but not too much to call it an "80's mix." Word like whoa.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Wildwood in Reflection

I'm back from the dead... well, from the spiritual dead... I just got home from Wildwood camp at Hume Lake, which is their leadership vehicle that is a small camp in the backwoods of the property. It's geared towards the leadership kids in HS at their churches and so it is a totally different experience than any other camp.

The theme this year was "Engage," and was focused on Missions trips. The way they presented this topic was excellent because it could have easily gone towards the guilt trip connotation quite easily. And, because of the theme, we got to learn about the starvation around the world and not just the physical starvation. The people over there are starving for the love of Christ. Take for example the "Invisible Children," Ugandan kids that flee to Sudan every night in fear of the rebels who abduct children into the army and then proceed to brainwash them by showing them human torture and violence and death in front of their eyes saying that that is what will happen to the child if it attempts to escape. These children can't sleep in their own home, don't have running water most often, are not safe from predators, and barely get enough food to survive. And I complain about how much I hate my car. Yea, well, only 9% of the world population has cars anyway so screw it.

All over this world there are 29,000 children dying every single day. That's more people than who died in the September 11th "devestation," and all the tsunamis... This is happening every single day. And yet the news wants to care about a war in an attempt to further the apathy of the youth today.

But... with all the poverty, hunger, death, and fear, these children are happy. They're happy when missionaries bring food or water. It is often that the gospel comes with the jubilance of the children and their resilience to the strife and pain that they go through every single day. They thank God for every single grain of rice they get.

We haven't even gotten to the night of Persection.

Monday night we were told about how there are still countries where Christianity is illegal and over 150,000 Christians are killed every year. That's more than ever. Take for instance, Jim Eliot. He was a missionary in Ecuador in the 1950's. He decided to reach out to an unreachable tribe. The tribe, Aca, killed him after they touched down. How does God work through that? His wife of two years, Elizabeth Eliot, learned their language and established a church in the tribe just a few years night.

We got to experience persecution. After our talk on Monday night, they sent us out into the woods to get to a certain point where our church meeting would be held. On the way there we were stopped by people, including ex-Marines, who asked us why we believed in God and asked the questions that no Christian ever wants to answer. After getting asked these questions five times by five different sets of persecutors, I made it to the church meeting where we sat and prayed and sang songs. But they found us. They made us lie with our faces in the dirt and try and make us denounce our faith. In the end, they "killed" the pastor. (Don't worry, they were stage guns.)


I've decided that there's just too much to discuss about and you honestly wouldn't understand the experience I have had this past week. That just gives you a taste of the dirt so far above the core of the week. Amen and Selah.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

One more Week...

I'm gonna be gone for a week at Wildwood at Hume Lake. Peace.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Pickled Frivolity

In an illustrious fit of boredom, I have decided to.... Goddammit. I lost my flow.

Ok. I have decided that the soundtrack for The Pirates of the Caribbean can be utilized for any intense scene in any intense movie. Take Passion of the Christ. Coulda totally worked. It's like how Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon synced up with Wizard of Oz. PotC OST fits with any movie. T2, we can do that. It's just like staples. Yea, they can do that.

Speaking of PotC, the sequel comes out soon with the subtitle: Dead Man's Chest. Everyone has reprised their rolls it looks like and it is planned for a 2006 debut including Keira Knightly who looks amazing even when she's being harassed by dead pirates. And, what the hell? GEOFFREY RUSH returns as BARBOSSA. That mothafucka's supposed to be dead. Well, at least he can have an apple now. I think he has an apple fetish.

Yea. Okay, I'm psyched.

Other movies I'm psyched for:

Potter 4
King Kong
Inglorious Bastards

Oh yea, and, uh, the Bible Code says that the end of the world is in 2006, get your ass ready for the apocalypse. God I hope I get to graduate.

Listen to Daniel Tosh, Dane Cook, Mitch Hedberg, Brian Regan, Pablo Francisco.

Oh, and Cyndi Lauper.

War of the Worlds review

What the hell. This Cruise\Spielberg vehicle is so taut with emotion that it just makes you laugh. By the time Rachel (played wonderfully by Dakota Fanning) goes out and sees bodies floating down the Hudson River, more than half the theater I was in was laughing because it was just too much. I remember Cameron Crowe discussing the "You had me at 'hello'" speech in Jerry Maguire and how, in any movie, it can just become too much and over the top. This movie was unrelenting in gore and frenzy. At points it almost felt like The Passion of the Christ meets Independence Day. You just could not watch anymore.

But when they move to the basement with Tim Robbins' totally whacked out character, the movie slows and the tension of the scenes there dwindles because it's the same old shit. There is a scene in the basement when an alien eye that's like a snake comes into the room to search for movement. They run around trying to avoid it and it just felt like a rehash of the scene from Minority Report where he had to get his eyes scanned because, inevitably, they are seen.

The ending, which I won't spoil for you, was disappointing and totally expected... But it seemed so abrupt and nonsensical. By the 90 minute mark of this 116 minute film I was utterly lost and utterly bored. I was left with questions after it and none could be answered.

This is the first movie in almost four years to mention terrorists. It takes a veiled swipe at the whole situation with downed airplanes and all the refugees trying to get away from the Big Evil. If I had to make a call, I would say that the screenwriters, Josh Friedman and David Koepp, were liberals. Tom Cruise's character represents stagnancy and the want to do nothing while Tim Robbins' character represents the Bush administration and their want to do everything wrong. This movie has made a mockery of the metaphor that is so tried to valiantly portray. However, this story, in any manifestation, has come at a time of uncertainty. 1898, with england on the verge of war. 1938, with England on the brink of war again. 2005, with America delved into a war.

Spielberg does a good job of doing his usual thing of bringing the human elements to the film but, like in Terminator 2, it just becomes too much as we approach the 18th shot of Cruise's eyes all welled up or Fanning screaming in the backseat. It became real then too real then over the top then comical. With a film like this, apathy can do nothing but set in.

I can't recommend this film for two reasons: Confusion, acting, and Cruise's bash of Psychiatry.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Spouting Off.

You'll come around, you'll come around, that's what they always said. But I never did when she never did. and now I'm dead in this vile movement, covered in a blanket of lies that is so warm yet so cold yet so comforting... The truth can be vile but the lies can be even worse. Believe in me, oh please, believe in me.

surprise sometime
I'll come around
surprise sometime
I'll come around
I will surprise you sometime
I'll come around
I will surprise you sometime
I'll come around
when you're down

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Part III: Six Flags over Texas

Probably the best park on the trip... Here's the Trip Report, pictures below.

So after driving the 287 miles from San Antonio to Arlington we went to SFoT last night. Our first impression of the park was that it was older that SFFT (duh) and more wooded. I got my first ride on Titan and, yea, that second helix makes it a brand new ride...made the ride longer, too.

After that I went over and rode TX Giant which is a great coaster. It could be better but, since I haven't ridden an excellent woodie in a long time, this one was great. Good pops of airtime and a great finale.

Batman: The Ride was Batman: The Ride with different surroundings.

Mr. Freeze was straight up bitchin' except the station was hotter than hell even though it was themed to an ice cream factory. What the f? I liked the launch and the ride itself, short and sweet but loads of fun.

Judge Roy Scream was all right, but, I'll get to that one later.

After those few rides we left the park and proceeded to go to dinner at a local place called Whataburger (mmm mmm b***h), and to bed.

The next morning I woke up at 540 feeling like total crap. I went to the bathroom and took some Ibuprofen. My dad woke up so we went and got continental breakfast, then went back to bed.

We woke up at 930 and caught The Trolley to the park. Holy. s**t. it was hot (101 degrees with about 60% humidity). My dad and I struggled through a few rides not worth mentioning and then went back to the hotel for a nap.

Woke up at 430, went to The Waffle House for Lunch/Dinner and then went back to the park.

I got on Shockwave, their Schwarzkopf looper, and loved it. Good forces and a few good pops of airtime.

La Vibora is...well...strange... Definitely not "Cool Runnings" but it is a strange coaster. I caught some of the strangest airtime ever on this ride. Overall, it was good, but the parts where we caught the brakes were jarring and rough.

I rode their S&S double shot but it was kinda crappy compared to Scream at SFFT. Superman: Tower of Power was the only ride to have a single rider line, though.

Flashback was a boomerang, blech.

Now, I gave Judge Roy Scream another shot in the front row and it was better... I tried the back and caught some airtime, but it needed to be smoothed out at the bottom of some of the drops. It was ok...

Runaway Mine Train was something that merely wet my whistle and caused a lust for Space Mountain to come back. It was interesting and was nice to have it in the dark.

Overall, the park was nice and clean but I think I liked SFFT better. Though it only had two good coasters, there were more places to sit and cool off from the Texas heat from Hell.


The entrance to the park like whoa-ohoh. Yea, just kidding. The entrance was actually very nice.

This park had some rather cool roller coasters... That's Mr. Freeze, their Premier LIM launcher and on the right is their Batman: The Ride. Rather standard but a great ride nonetheless.

That over there is Titan. You may think, "Hey! That looks exactly like Goliath at Magic Mountain! Yea! Well, it is, except for their's a second knockout helix before the midcourse brakes.

That's the first helix that is NOT on Goliath at Magic Mountain. And YES, it makes it a better ride.

Mistah Freeze.

They had a nice choo-choo as well.

The Texas Giant: the second best woodie on this trip.

This'll probably be the last of these updates because I'm moving all the pictures over to a Yahoo photo Album thing. So, expect a link to that later. Aight?

A note on the Mars Volta

Consider the elephant. Put him in a cage and he stomps around wildly trying to get out, breating only to find a new strategy. Put him in the wilderness and he mosies around with interesting moments here and there that are exquisite nonetheless.

The caged elephant is their first album, Deloused in the Comatorium; it's tight and doesn't have much wiggle room. They harnessed their talent really well.

The wild elephant is Frances the Mute. Excellent moments, but it meanders towards those moments and you really have to be patient to not press fast forward.

I have come to the conclusion that, because of this analogy, I enjoy Deloused better than FTM because FTM is just too spaced out. You have to wait too much through miscellaneous noise that is of no interest.

"Oy Prick, you've got red on ye."

Un Poema

I wrote this poem last night... it doesn't have a title... I then ask you to read the poem and then comment on what you think the title should be. Okay? Ready, go.

Above the graveyard,
in the old
there's a light on in the upstairs
The one second from the right...
A ghost or perhaps the keeper of the crypts
the ossuaries
the mausoleums.
Or perhaps he's just a necrophilic hobo.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Part II: Fiesta Texas

Six Flags Fiesta Texas. The best of the three parks I visited. Good atmosphere, light crowds, good rides. Yesss.... Full Trip Report below. Click on the picture for the full size image.


Superman: Krypton Koaster. Hell yes. Probably the best ride on the trip.

It's built right into the side of the canyon. Suh-weet.

Me in the S:KK station...

The lines (or lack thereof) we encountered the ENTIRE trip.

Scream! It's their S&S double shot tower.

"Say hello to my little friend!" Speedy Gonzalez is one bad motha--shut yo' mouth!

Oh-kay. One park down... two to go. Hasta manana!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Concerto in F

I wrote this poem during the second movement of Gershwin's Concerto in F

I can lie in wait now
knowing that I've fucked up
because Gershwin's Concerto in
is so fucking right.
I love her and the first movement,
has passed...
and now,
onn the second movement
i wait for the third movement and all this pain to pass.
O daughters let's go down
let's godown
let's go down
down to the river to pray.

as if now I'd ever tell you anything...

TX pictures'll be back tomorrow. I had a bad day.

Texas like whoa

OK, so. I just spent 11 days in Texas and, damn. It was hot. I visited three theme parks (see below for those trip reports) and relatives. Uhm, it was fun all together despite how bleeding hot it was.

The Pictures I: Random

That, my friends, is the greatest piece of baby clothing ever conceived.

That's Mortimer the Great on the right. On the left is his next victim. Mortimer the Great was the protector of our love 91 Buick Park Ave. for most of the trip.

This is our plate thing from Whataburger. Whataburger is this burger place that is ALL OVER Texas and New Mexico. It's delicious. The only problem is that there are none like, west of Tucson, AZ.

My third or fourth empty coke glass from breakfast with the relatives at IHOP.

Me and my niece, Martin, at his house.

Guess who!

The price is wrong, Bob!

This is me, watching the Price is Right. "Don't be like me, kids!"

I visited five Costco's on this trip. Pathetic.

Waffle House. 'nuff said.

The Thing? Just what is The Thing? It will haunt you for the rest of your life... or this update...which ends now.

Next stop, tomorrow, FIESTA TEXAS!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I'll have a TX update soon, when I'm not so tired.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Two Week Break

This blog will be going silent for two weeks since I will be taking a trip to Texas. Wahoo. Read some of the other posts, why dontcha?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

School is Almost out. I have a typewriter.

Okay, so. in about 26 hours, I will be burning all my papers in a rebellious frenzy. On campus. Yes....

So, ok. I got this IBM Selectric II typewriter the other day. It's almost as even a near-antique piece of machinery has breathed new life into my writing. Sure, it doesn't have spell check and I hafta randomly insert Camera directions with an (OH YEA) in front of them, but, for some reason, it's almost therapeutic, like playing a percussion instrument. You can beat it until the fingers begin to bleed a bit. You can actually hear the idle hum of though as the fan beneath cools it. And you can hear the smash of progress, the smash of paradigms as the keys are hit. Oh god, it's beautiful. Go to your local thrift store and buy a typewriter.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I've been in love, and it's gone no where... yet? nope, never...

Oh, doubters, let's go down
Won't you come on down to the river to pray?
"But I'm so small i can barely be seen.
How can this great love be inside of me?"
Look at your eyes,
They're small in size, but they see enormous things.

I just need to love Christ...

Monday, June 06, 2005

Lost in Sinai

Hiiiiiii.... I don't think this is read by anyone...

Watch the film "Reservoir Dogs"

Sunday, June 05, 2005

God created iMovie to torture me...

So, I get a call around, oh, 5:25. Miss Bethany wants me to help with their video... Little did I know that the video involved 45 minutes of footage and Miss Merry (Lauren? [Merry?]) Bell's father having to buy a cable.
Thus, 45 minutes was drawn out to about three hours of importing, intermissed by a delicious steak dinner (Thank You!!!!) and meeting the Bell family and Becca and Amanda Douglas and Bethany and Bailey their dog whom I thought was named after the alcoholic drink but was named after... slipped my mind... Wahoo.

And now, after all that, I sit at a computer. Again. I'm a dork.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Not everything is serious... I'm only in High School, you see?

Today is a monumental day. I signed out of mySpace for the very last time. Mark these words on its grave:
"Faithful in wasting time,
"Cunningly time consuming
"Killer of whales [dont ask]
"Youthfully compassionate, mindlessly open,
"Openly pedophilic
"Unending bastardization of American Youth"

Word my niggas.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Why I Write

Fifth grade—12 years old—I am crouched like a tiger over a piece of gray lined paper, the kind of paper I would later learn was meant only for children, not aspiring revolutionaries as I was. I am with my best friend and we are writing and writing and writing, the words are pouring out of us like blood from a deep gash in our psyche. Though the characters and plot are dismissible, the wound that the graphite left scarred me with a love divine.

At twelve, that same year, I was the only child in the room to be writing poetry about drug usage and its adverse effects. I got in asinine amounts of trouble, yet I loved the vulgar words… I did not realize this until recently when I broke the moral shackles on my writing. I love the way swear words are provocative, as if beckoning the most moral to see just how God would damn it.

This perverse affectation of words and their flow is bred not of fifth grade slop, but of my hatred of writing. I am in a constant battle with words. Call me a perfectionist, but words are never enough. I am a visual person. To me, to see a headless, naked victim, bloated and contorted, is much more evocative than a thousand million words on the subject. But this talent is God-given. I cannot photograph the dead well and thus I write those thousand million words, attempting to describe the bloated skin and how the detached head is pale and cringing with its eyes open to a world it has left. I leave no word unturned for I am a writer, not an editor. I leave it then to them to butcher my convoluted million into these five: “The dead shall rise again.”

As I have noticed in reading books, minorities have written some of the greatest. There is Sula and Invisible Man by blacks and Joy Luck Club and No Name Woman by Asians. Certainly, Caucasians have grand books but they are all pulp. Huck Finn was just a kid and Gatsby was just a twisted idealist, hell bent on something he could never have. I want to be the first cracker, ofay, honky, to write the true white novel, able to contend with the greater novels of the minorities. But perhaps the great white novel will merely be more American Pulp.

It seems that if I were black, I could write like Douglass. But covering myself with shoe polish is not going to change my predicament. My situation is that somebody who occupied this self before hogged the riches. I am a very weak persona, and I must overcome it with questions that can only be answered through words, not pictures.

Just as the knife ran off with the spoon only to find out it was pregnant with the fork’s babies, I write. I reach a climax only to find out that I could write it better after I have finished—and a Didion-esque migraine ensues. Thus I was naïve to think that Orwell was a failure as a person he wrote imperfections. All writings are rough drafts but one must be sent up like the perfect sheep for the offering.

I write because I want to know the world for my knowledge is bleak. I know not of laughter, except that it is comforting. I know not of esthetics, except that they are appealing. I know not but a fraction of words, for my mind is too often closed. I write to fight the endless fight against this myopic world in hopes that it all comes crumbling down. My name may be of a great author, terrorist, or revolutionary, dependant on how one perceives change in prose. Perhaps I fight this fight because I lost to mathematics a very long time ago or perhaps because music inspires words. I love the mellow tones of my bass clarinet almost as much I love fighting with words. I fight with my instrument also: I have no devotion to it and I hate to take it out outside the context of the F building. Thus, to hate something often is to love it always and that is why I write.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

New Pope, Same old Sexism

With Pope Benedict XVI being called "Old School," I have this odd and sinking feeling that all progress made in the church in favor of women is going to go straight south. As it says in 1Timothy 2:11-14, "11A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner." This passage is now going to be taken to its most divine extreme, and that makes me feel mass contempt for the Catholic women.

Perhaps history is a pendulum, with it swinging towards the conservative side for females, with the Harvard President saying that women are incompetent, and now this Pope speculation. To all the women reading this: you're equals. Never let anyone let you believe otherwise. Opression is a tool of the week.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


To express a voice, as solitary and shy or as poignant and powerful, is something that is within a person's blood. Everyone has an opinion, or a bias. We all have a choice based on prior coincidence. If we step more with our right, we walk in circles to the right and vice versa.

This is the beginning of what is to be my voice. American Pulp. To the right are three links, All Stories, All music, and All Movies. Stories are original, music is reviews as is movies.

This is my voice. "Believe in the power of words."

So jump mothafucka.